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"Passionate Youth · Health Peer" |2023 Youth Health Peer Education Host Training (1)
2023-09-15 10:53  

28-30 August,Liu Tianqi and Li Zetian, excellent members of the Youth Health Education Peer Club of our school, participated in the 3rd Jilin Province College Youth Health Peer Education Host training camp hosted by Beihua University,Accepted the reception of adolescence, social gender, interpersonal communication, prevention of HIV infection, planning for the future and other aspects of knowledge and education guidance,Personal presenter skills have been greatly improved。

The third Jilin Province college youth health peer education host training camp

On September 14, in order to effectively promote the youth health work in colleges and universities and effectively improve the training skills of youth health peer education hosts in our school, the counseling center held a youth health peer education host training activity, and Liu Tianqi participated in the activity as a host。

Training from the ice-breaking activity opening, snowball, looking for childhood, wind blowing and nine Gong to find friends and other activities, relaxed and pleasant training atmosphere let students quickly participate in。Next, the host taught the relevant knowledge of youth health work for the students, the training focused on explaining the youth healthy life skills training guide "growth" in the "premarital sex and decision", "AIDS prevention", "gender", three units of content。The training atmosphere is relaxed and active, and all members are actively involved。In the process of experience, the host broke down the process, analyzed the reasons, and taught the students how to carry out peer education activities。The students said that the training is rich and professional, and they can get more growth and progress through the training。


Activity site 1


Event site 2

This activity is part of the series of youth health education activities of "Passionate Youth · Health Peer", which lays a foundation for the future peer education activities, and effectively helps our school to promote and carry out youth health education。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012